The election compaings:
The election compaings are on the peak, every one associated with any political party seems very excited to make sure their major success in the comming elections. On the other hand, terrorist activities are equally participating with the same pace.
I feel so sorry to see all this shit happening around and a great sense of deprivation comes in to my mind, when i acknowledge my voting status.
+Gilgit-baltistan; is the region which has been deprived of voting rights since its independance, It has a unique history how it merged to Pakistan, the brave and courageous people of G-B have got their independence on 1st November, 1947 by defeating Dogara Raj in the region and had consitutionally annexed with Pakistan, after independance the brave Majority of this nation has always been participated to the state in terms of producing, Arm forces, tallent, economy,tourism, education and the preserved rights of being orphan. Gargil war, major trade, Basha dam, highest literacy rate in pakistan are few examples. despite the scrafices done by the people to the state and being the victim of deprivation we are treated as orphan. I feel so ashamed to see state of frustation of the whole nation. Since its annexture, people of G-B have no rights to participate in the parlimentary elections, Our hearts are all burnt, our emotions are deteriorated, our rights are usurped, our hope is pakistan, Our vote is our right, we have the identity that has of no use, we have NIC but we cann't cast vote. After so many decades of our existence we are not bestowed by our basic rights. Is this what we call Justice ? Is this the pain that any other part of Pakistan can feel of ? I say No, every one has to brighten their personalities, some talk about changes, some the basic rights(Roti,kapda, makan), some talk of personalities, some promise mettalic roads and the rest issue 'Fatwa's" .. I am amazed, where are we, the nation as a whole, upto ? And it's the Voice of about three million people, We protest, protest, protest and protest. . . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By: Musawir Hussain